
Week 37, 2019
Turku, Finland

On Augutst 24-31 of this year, I had the opportunity to participate in the Summer School of the UNESCO chair in ICT to develop and promote sustainable tourism in World Heritage Sites. The theme of this year was: LeVERAGE ICTs for Tourism. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism for preserving LiVing hERitAGE

It was interesting to be a participant of this Summer School series.  I only new this Summer School because I organized it last year here in Finland.

It was a rich experience to be a participant again. I think the last time I was a participant of a Summer School was 10 years ago. It was a rich and strange experience. All together.

Looking for a quote to reflect my feeling, I found this one:  “Who dares to Teach mus never cease to Learn” (by John Cotton Dana) .  Often we interpret this to keep ourselves actualizing, reading, thinking, reflecting. This is a complete truth. But it might also imply, to be a learner and have that role as well. To connect with other fellow learners independently where we are in our journey of discover. It is to go back to our return, and do not lose the ground.

It was fun to contribute in a team. Overall to see how the work of my team evolved from an idea to its complexion. See the talents of each team member, it was fascinating and a wonderful experience. To laugh, and work hard with that energy that only students have.

Perhaps I value this experience more today than earlier, because is not so often when I can say I am a full time student. Connect with others at different levels is part of the magic of life. On the other hand, I admit that each one of our life experiences and knowledge will always be with us, and therefore. Therefore, the connectivity and conversations with facilitators also increases as peers. To connect with others is a magical rainbow with some many tonalities.  I am thankful to be able to connect with my “gang” of Lugano ;- )

And luckily enough, our project might be pass over to the people of Münstair. That is awesome!

Here is the link of our website:

Here is the link to the story we made, very quickly there.