Hello!, my name is Carolina and this is my virtual reference point. I have been playing with technology since ~1982. Nevertheless, it is until March 5, 2006 when I wrote my first post without a meaningful understanding of what is to be an author of a blog. At the time I entitled the blog: CAIS, What am I doing?
Time pass and I got more insights of what is the meaning to be an author of a blog. So, in a post published in December 27, 2010 I tried to conceptualise the purpose of my blog. The intention was good, but I was not expecting to live such an INTENSE 2011 full of learning experiences. At the end of 2011, I felt the importance to have a virtual reference point for diverse situations such as sharing with others, to reflect and organise ideas, thoughts and inclusive data. Perhaps I got the meaning to have a blog, and I thought to start one from zero.
Nevertheless, my understanding on how to create a virtual reference point and the meaning to be an author of a blog is emergeing over time. Hence, I decide to start writing again in 2012 in the same blog, leaving my own history as a reminder that I am constantly discovering and reinventing myself . The only change of this blog today is its title, now is called: CAIS virtual reference point.
— wrote on 15. january.2012 —
Update on 5.Feb.2012: Inside the tools menu, I add the explanation of the category and tags of this blog.