Tag Archives: video

media type

the future of mobile

This video arrived to me via Twitter, unfortunately sometimes I lose track of who send what as hold the things for periods of time until I can read, watch or listen to them. Then, I apologize to lose the credits.

This video is well done and I have no idea if the factual information is accurate. The reason for me to put it is it give food for the though. My first reaction out of it: it scares me the exponential curve of this.

getting serious at work chapter II – sharing

TEL PhD SS tough me several things. Thinking carefully, perhaps now I am ready to listen and understand some  messages that earlier I couldn’t understand.


Sharing is one of the main things I understood lately.


Each time I was asked about the references of papers, books, links, projects, ideas, etc. that I have read or related to,  I had this impotence feeling: full & empty at the same time.  I remember in one of our PhD days some time ago, when Andrés mentioned about delicious, and I didn’t understand what he meant with it at the time. But things change in life…


Now I understand and trying to improve. Little by little, it is not a simple change as it requires effort and TIME. But at least now I see how relevant this is. Otherwise, why are we doing research? if it is not to share knowledge among all?


And today “photo” is actually a presentation from Cristina Costa. It is about how to “build” a “profile”, I think for anyone working in ICT, this is something to think about, at least once. And in some way it is related to sharing.

money – virtual

My train of thoughts has been challenged once again.  Yeap, let me explain, what do you trust more of its real existence:

a) the money that you have in your bank account and which it is reported in your monthly paper statement.

b) the virtual information that is only in your web-server.


Both concepts exist due to human beings. However we can only touch the money and we cannot touch any virtual information (unless we print it out of course). As a matter of fact the “virtuality” only can be accessed through the use of some kind of hardware. Thus, for its own “nature”, perhaps one could say that the logic of the “virtuality”  is more complex to understand than the logic of the money,

Well my dear fellows, I think I  am wrong on this.  Maybe because I have a close emotional relationship with the fields that are related with -ware (hardware and software) but at least for me at this moment in time:

a) I can try to explain what “virtual” is, and the logic behind it. I think it is clear in my head this concept.

b) I cannot explain what money is, and I am confused about it and its actual logic behind it.

I found a youtube video (bellow attached) trying to explain the logic of money. (I recommend to watch it) . No idea if the concepts and information of it are 100% correct or not. Nevertheless it helped me to clarify:

a) If I lost all my emails (due to a bug or something else) I can keep calm because there are backups for this kind of events. I trust in virtuality!

b) Our economical world system has not backup against wall-street events. And we are exponentially heading to an interesting unknown mess. I just hope that this story has a happy end, because I do not trust  (perhaps for the lack of understanding) in our money organization.

Anyway, let’s see what we will happen with these two game arenas 🙂

stop the world, I want to get down!

Somedays ago I was seeking eagerly for this quote. It is given by  Mafalda . Finally  I found it, as well as several of her quotes and comics. She is fantastic!!!.

I read her as a child. Now  it amazes me how she is so up to date in her reflections. From the quote I was seeking, she uses it while referring to our world (look the video below). On my side, I am in a lower level, because I get frozen each time I update myself with the “world” news 🙁 . I am slow in processing in comparison with all the speed of events and information about everything that it is displaying constantly. Right now, it was an emergency to go to my basics: learn to do not overwhelm myself living and enjoying day by day, and working step by step towards a goal or a dream. That is hard job by itself and more with all my chaos! But getting there 🙂

mac add

In spite of being a mac fan, I could shoot that guy if I was flying next to him. Nevertheless, I admit the idea made me laugh!

Unfortunately I still see it practically unrealistic (the movie production). If I am doing a video on the road, the laptop’s battery is not enough, it is a must to plug to a energy source.  Some airlines start to think about this, and for example Air Canada leaves on each one of the back sits access to USB connections and electricity. It looks good, nevertheless it will be nicer when it is working.

This is turning interesting!


air canada