second life

Imminent danger, and I knew it, as someone who can get addict. But here I am , playing with fire.

Being aware that I have several things to do, but I really wanted to discover this VW (virtual world), and now I got trapped in “Second Life”. It will take sometime until I can tell more about it or my avantar Alux . 🙂 What I like the most, is how in a way the reality its mix into the fantasy, simulation and game… and since the beginning I had hear coments from other avantars as this one: ” Kaelin: I think the Best part is learning and to share what you learn”

And I wouldn’t be surprised at all that in a near future, as there are research into cultural clusters, will be research between individuals of real and virtual worlds.

3 thoughts on “second life

  1. Justus

    May god bless your virtual soul! I know better than even to try Second Life or I would surely never get anything done.

  2. wormspy

    hmmm… I did’n get the point of game…
    Why I need to pay money to own something virtual? 🙂

    Actually I prefer more fantasy worlds, like World of Warcraft. However you need a lot of time for that. And friends. And when developer stop support of game you have played, you understand how many weeks/years you have lost 🙂

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