
Week 15, 2019
Turku, Finland

In 2018, we started to cook diverse recipes taking advantage of an options that our City Market offers (Side note: City Market is the name of our store from the chain K-market, which it is one of the Finnish chain of hypermarkets).  Next, at the beginning of 2019, following an advice of my nurse, I started to document my meals. It is a big difference to see the photos of what has eaten than to use one’s memory of what one ate. Our mind can lie to ourselves.

However today our breakfast was a BOMB of good things, and I decided to record the menu in here. The following photo shows my breakfast and below it is described.

Rich breakfast

1. Juice

The juice consisted of:

  • Approx 2 cm of ginger
  • Approx 3.5 cm of turmeric (I discovered this root recently, thanks to a indian recipe we cooked. It seems it is such a good thing to consume, you can read about it here and here)
  • 1 big carrot
  • 2 oranges
  • ½ mango

2. Berry soup

On Saturday I cooked  Finnish berry soup. Consequently, during this week it is possible to have berry soup for breakfast.  Berry soup is an excellent dish!  While aiming to write down which berries I used, I discover this website describing different types of berries.  My soup had:

  • Bilberry (we call it blueberry)
  • Raspberry
  • Strawberry

3. The mango’s bone,  which I could not be included in the juice. I think the mango was Palmer. Again, I just discover how many different mango types are available. Need to pay attention to this!

4. One fried egg

5. Two or three slides of local bread (7 vjlianleipä from Salonen ). This item is not included in the picture.

I admit, I am a lucky girl!

— cais