Category Archives: technology

it is a right to have broadband in Finland

Here is the news article. It makes me feel proud of this country.

This action shows, at least to me, how important is for Finns to have access to information. But it is clear, the population is educated enough to have their own critical thinking on the information they read. As more thinking minds you have, you create a smarter society. It is not matter of genius, is matter to give access to everybody to be their best. Things go hand by hand.

go for it! I trust and believe in this path.

PS. The photo will be publish later, as my wordpress is misbehaving.

the future of mobile

This video arrived to me via Twitter, unfortunately sometimes I lose track of who send what as hold the things for periods of time until I can read, watch or listen to them. Then, I apologize to lose the credits.

This video is well done and I have no idea if the factual information is accurate. The reason for me to put it is it give food for the though. My first reaction out of it: it scares me the exponential curve of this.

finally adobe-macromedia reacted !

For a long time I had been a macromedia fan. To be more precise a Flash devotee. Flash is one of the softwares more under used by programmers imho.

However, as I admit it has A LOT of positive features and it is powerful, one indisputable point against it is in the development of mobile applications. Because it WAS limited conversation that the client had with the server.

I wrote WAS πŸ™‚ because it seems it will start a new living chapter about this.Β  Now SONY-Ericcson + Java + Adobe are working together to improve this limitation πŸ™‚

This is SO interesting πŸ™‚ for all the potential applications in and through mobile phones. On the other hand, now other platforms such as MUPE will have to put its antenna up in order to improve several graphical limitations for the UI development.Β  πŸ™‚ Yes!

games updates from east

It has been long without posting, but soon I will write about my research. Meanwhile some updates (it is important to keep ourselves update on what is it happening in our world.Γ‚

My personal opinion on this is a clear division of tactics in reaching the market between Nintendo and Sony. One is more focus in the game play while the other is in interested in the integration of high end video visual technology.Nevertheless making use the capitalism system advantages with a no monopoly, let’s see how these companies will improve themselves to convince the marketΒ  πŸ™‚

Also from a global capitalist perspective, but from another point of view, for those who are into game research or with interest of the topic I recommend the article from Larissa Hjorth from RMIT University / Yonsei University.Β  About “Games @ NeotRegionalism: Locating Gaming in the Asia Pacific” Good food for the though! .

From all these, even that excites me the news and I enjoy the topic, deep inside I wonder: when other areas of our globe will be able to put their own presence in digital gaming too?!Β  – I know there are a lot of socio-economical factors on this, but still, the wish is there.

east or west (2) ….

just three days after my previous post and, in this race our participants start to move. πŸ™‚ This topic is just facinating.

From china, handheld nintendo emulator goes solar. And as this person mentioned, the solar cell idea is brilliant!

On the other hand in the following video shows the first trials for coding native SNES emulator on iPhone

Nevertheless, as good technology agonisc I suggest it will be good to test any of those first before believing πŸ˜‰ But without a doubt excites me this topic and the race will be interesting πŸ™‚ . Then, just let ourselves surprise what it will happen next ….