Category Archives: games

the power of the mind

Opportunities for learning something are always present. Each single moment of our existence can be a learning experience.  Interesting enough it seems it is up to us to make the best out of each opportunity.

As time pass by, I get the impression that most of the learning possibilities that one has are not utilized.  One can be “educated” or trained for something in specific. Actually our economical-social system has built educational institutions, that as far as I understand, offer to individuals the information and training needed to create the “proper” skills to function in our society.

Through the diversity of projects I am right now actively working with besides my own PhD focus (LieksaMyst, SciMyst 2009, Biosphere project,  CS students, etc.) I see and sense continually: we need to learn to listen constantly without loosing our self-confidence. Each one of us is so important, and has an incredible richness inside. When one can exteriorize this richness and connected with others, the results go beyond any expectation.

Then, while listening and putting a bit more of attention in the self, it is possible to realize the importance of the power of the mind.  Actually that is the core of everything we do, as its influence is more relevant and decisive than all the information and training that each one of us can have. Our mind is just incredibly powerful.

What your mind says is the truth and each one of us will act and experience according to it, because that is the truth.  If you mind says you can, you will do it, independently if you have many resources or none, you just know you can do it and you will. If you mind says forget about it, you will give up even if you have all what it is needed to achieve that goal.  Furthermore, our interpretations of our activities and relationships are closely related to what our mind believes.

It is just fascinating, how my mind affects me. As it happens to me, I wouldn’t be surprise it happens to others as well.  What I/you truly believe, it is what it is, but not necessary is what it really is. One needs to be open enough and listen carefully to realize there are different options, nothing is static.

 The power of the mind is unlimited, and I attempt to say personally under-use. In several cases it is controlled by external individuals  (e.g. “brain washing”) or habits. But it does not mean we can’t have access to it and shape it to our will. At the end our mind is ours.

each flame is unique and powerful


shooting sequel

My common sense can be losing direction, but there is something that confuses me. Some days ago in Germany, the Galleries Kaufhof announced a strategy to retire from their shelves the “killer games”(killerspiel) a.k.a. violent games. This is a response from the school shooting they had in early March (see my previous post)

The intention of the departmental store is respectable. However still I wonder, why don’t we educate people? and over all, why do not give time to listen to individuals? We need time, respect and love to evolve as humans. Wondering why is not possible to hear about laws or actions towards that direction? that is what confuses me.  I think this problem is deeper rooted than only ban a product genre, but where are those deeper actions?.

Each time I read the newspapers, my reaction is: we are in an URGENT NEED of  EDUCATION and COMPREHENSION. Or in other words, to have proper information first and then be able to digest it to finally develop an individual with common sense.

 Let me give a complete unrefined example, just an impulsive one. If a youngster in a “develop” country makes a school-shooting, then the video games are found potentially guilty of such event. If the school shooting is in a “conflict” country, the violent video games are not even in the picture. Well one can say there are other types of “violent” immersion.

 However, after any shooting event what it comes to the surface after the investigations is:  anger, frustration, depression…. Shooting seems to be the only way for the shooter to make things “change”.  Hence, my main question: why don’t we care about all these problems muuuuuuuuch earlier ?, not only wait for the problems to boil and then see the bullet.

Well everybody puts a small grain of sand each day, let’s see how the story continues….


comforting by a book *BIG HUG*



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treasure hunting…

when did treasure hunting start to be an interesting activity for human beings? Formally talking I have no idea, but without a doubt is a very old activity.  I “goggle” for the the history of treasure hunting, but it seems the task requires more time than the one I have for it.

Today I played a high-tech version of treasure hunting, by using the sophisticated system of GPS.

The game is called geocatching.

 It was fun and good exercise!  Perfect activity for a beautiful spring day. And my first impression of what I liked the most of the game is: the creativity of the players. I just can say: WOWOWOW!!!

Without a doubt to “fully” understand some games, one has to play them.  A game experience is not easy to grasp only by reading them, in my humble opinion one has to live them to make proper empathy. This game is not an exception. Still I am a newbie in here, and I will be back for more geocatching adventures. In addition it seems the community of this game is also something to discover.

Thank you very much Anna to invite me to play! And to Tomas, as well thank you for guiding us as new comers!

searching, searching, searching.... where can it be?

searching, searching, searching.... where can it be?



Today’s geocatching log:  we found 5 traditional cache and one multicache


violent video games

Even that I am not into first shooter games, I disagree and do not understand when people blame to the  “violent” video games the killing incidents carried on by youngsters. Since I remember, games of guns and knifes which objective is to kill the adversary  have existed. Those games are not new. Hence, wondering why each time a young kid shoots and kills humans (e.g. Finland, German, USA, etc.), the following comment never fails: “ban the violent video games“.


Why I never hear the following kind of comments:

a) It is needed that parents spend more time playing with their own kids instead to leave the responsibility to the digital technology to educate them.

b) Media stop transmitting those incredible amounts of yellow news. Acually I should take a record of the images that show:  dead, wars, hunger, organized crime, etc. If I recall properly, still some years ago you read about all these. Today you see the photos and videos of all those bodies. Who can live relax if constantly we are bombed with that information. Even the “scary” movies, constantly leave less things to the imagination.

c) Society, please race your voice of the good things that are happening around. There should be something !!!!


In each one of the cases the youngsters, as far as I have understood, who had committed such crimes, had communicated in some way their feelings of a world that has no sense anymore for them. Without a doubt THAT is something to put us to think and I would believe it goes beyond video games.



is this game allowed?

is this game allowed?



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is an interesting pervasive game idea 🙂 . I just start to play sharkrunners this weekend and so far so good.  It requires time for the game to develop however each each time you play is brief. Nice combination.

What I like the most is that it supports a personal philosophy: ” what can we do with technology that otherwise would not be possible” 🙂 Hurray!!!

Do you want to try?  just let the sharks to contact us 😉



shark -- by kittymowmow

shark -- by kittymowmow


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