Tag Archives: considering

There is not tomorrow

Week 1
München, Germany

New Year resolutions are not really for me. The only thing I had been doing since I think early 2000 is with a good friend of mine, we have the motto of the year. This one is a challenging one: “Let’s take the lead“. Doing our best! 🙂

However in the first days of January, I realized that I need to improve something. Time is passing by too fast, and I feel there is much I am not doing due to “lack of time“. Simultaneously, sometimes my unconscious leaves  important things, which are not urgent, for tomorrow, assuming there is a tomorrow. That is something I want to change now.

A constant aspect that I keep postponing  is writing. Hence, a thing that for sure I will push forward is: writing.  First step is to re-activate this blog and several other projects I have in hold due to writing. Writing is so important, but SO difficult as well.

Then time to finalize things and somehow stop thinking in tomorrow, instead get ready for the end. Sounds strange, but it makes sense. There is not much time left!

Last day of 2014

Last day of 2014


organizing posts

Week 5, 2012
Joensuu, Finland

After deciding to stick to this blog, one thing I want to achieve is to organize its posts. When I started boggling I was clueless of my own posts: how would they look like?, about what would I write?, which one will be my style?, etc. Consequently, the idea to organize posts was not even contemplated.

To my surprise but sometimes I require to find something I have posted and to find it is tricky. I am bad with keywords, writing titles, well I am not good on writing in general (as I have complain so much).  Nevertheless, it will be useful to find a way to organize myself, and keep on using the technologies we profess are “good for learning”.  So, for some time I have been thinking how to organize the blog, I did sketches, lists, but I haven’t implement a thing. However, as this spring I will be given some lectures and I want to use my blog as part of my memoir of this learning process then I need to organize my blog now.

In this weekend I put hand on organizing my blog. These are the steps I followed:

  1. I found a good link explaining the difference between category and tags.
  2. As I had been thinking in keywords for a long time now, so after the previous step I  wrote a table with the keywords I though will be relevant.
  3. I went through my existent 167 posts and label them according to the table.
  4. While labeling I discover some keywords I should use which were no there, and others which I do not want to use in the future.

The process, besides to take time and energy, was actually productive in diverse ways:

  • I research myself.
  • I discover many blogs are only of bla, bla, bla, bla (~babbling). Seeking for comfort, I believe. I want those to be improve somehow.
  • I saw myself over time. It is amazing to see how time passes by fast and we learn to think/walk/talk so slowly.
  • It got some kind of “framework” for future blog activity.
  • My research and my blog are extensions of me.

My blog is inspired on some mothers’ blogs. My research is kind of my abstract baby. It is clear for me that my abstract baby cannot be blog exactly the same way as mothers document the life of their offsprings. But both type of babies have a developing process, and trigger experiences that can be shared. Blogging is a way of sharing and documenting. Let’s see how it goes the 2012 wave of this blog!

The result of this work is in the following two lists: categories and tags.

PS. From now on, I do not think to review again as I did this time all the previous posts…. no time for it.