Korea adventure – day #18: 4DX movie

Week 28
Suwon, Korea

Today we went to see Pacific Rim at the 4DX movie theatre in Cinepark, Suwon, Korea.

Movie Theatre in Suwon

Movie Theatre in Suwon

I confess my major motivation for this movie was the curiosity about the technology. I would have gone to watch the a 4DX movie independently of the title. Before today,  I only had experienced 4D movies in Disneyland but no in a movie theatre. So let’s see.

As soon as I saw the theatre sit, it emerge a promising feeling. In the photo you can see metal supporter for your feet instead to leave them on the floor.

Sit in the movie theatre

Sit in the movie theatre

The first encounter with the 4DX technology, for my surprised, was with an audi commercial (I did not find a vide0). The second advertisement was the one below:

During these commercials one realizes that one’s sit moves, no only as “rollercoaster” type of movement, but as a massage sit. Ok, it is not  a massage, but the idea is that something exactly on your back moves in specific moments. Additionally, one is “shot” with injections of air or water from the front of the sit and from the sides of the sit. Also one can notice a strobe lighting in particular scenes. All these aim to be in synch with the movie.

In this particular film, there was not smell, no bubbles and no smoke. Nevertheless there was a full experience 😉

I am not a film critic, so I cannot say much about the film. In brief is a battle of human kind VS some aliens. As you can see in the trailer below:

My impression of Pacific Rim is: a typical Hollywood movie, despite to be directed by the Mexican, Guillermo del Toro.

The special effects are well done. I like the futuristic ideas, e.g. the computer screens, the robots are cool and some type of biotechnology concepts are interesting. However, the storyline is kind of typical. The movie did not move me. The special effects and technology capture my attention.

After the function, my thoughts have been into how will be the movie theatres in 5 or 10 years from now? What kind of movies we will be able to watch? Technology is AMAZING! but we need equally interesting plots knitting the interactive possibilities.  I know we are starting….

Ok, one personal suggestion for 3D images, ensure that I will not get a headache afterwards. Somehow 3D gives me a headache after certain period of time.

Last but not least, it let me pondering that these 4DX theatres are mainly in “emerging” economies. There are not 4DX in USA, Germany, Finland, UK….

Screenshot of actual 4DX movie theatre up today

Screenshot of actual 4DX movie theatre up today

I confess I wrote this post fast to thank Insung, who organised the going. Thank you for the opportunity to experience this just release movie in a 4DX experience. I had a good time!

Now, good night!


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